Tuesday, March 24, 2020

7 Tips for Students to Seek Online tutoring help without Encumbrance

7 Tips for Students to Seek Online tutoring help without Encumbrance 0SHARESShare While seeking online tutoring help, you have to get satisfactory work for the money you pay within the allotted time. How to get online tutoring help successfully without encumbrance? Follow these tips First, make sure your tech tools are in proper order to receive and send communication without obstacle Stay focused in the session to get the maximum service possible Be clear in the mind about the subject you are asking for and what kind of help you need Suppose   it is assignment help , be sure what material you need, what kind of style and other details to derive a good output from the tutor If it is a help from an  online Trigonometry tutor, try to do a problem with the tutor on the whiteboard to enable him to check out your mistakes and suggest remedial measures  If it is a Physics experiment , set your mind before hand about what you desire from an expert of Physics online tutoring  to get an excellent end product If you seek help for writing an essay from English tutoring online,  submit your written drafts for their perusal to find out your mistakes in writing and arrive at suitable suggestions for the   same Tutor Pace. Com assists students with the capable help of its tutors to make learning hassle free.  [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

Equation for Density

Equation for Density We can say density of a substance is its mass per unit volume. We can show the density by a Greek letter . We can say the density mathematically as ratio of mass and column. Therefore, we can write Examples 1: A block of aluminum has a volume of 18 cubic meters and a mass of 54 kg. Find the density of block aluminum. Solution: The given information is Volume = 18 cubic meters Mass = 54 kg We know the formula to find the density that is Now we can plug the values in this formula Examples 2: Sulfuric Acid has volume of 65 cubic meters and mass of 78 kg. Find the density of sulfuric acid. Solution: The given information is Volume of sulfuric acid = 65 cubic meters Mass of sulfuric acid = 78 kg We know the formula to find the density that is Examples 3: If the density of gold is 20 grams per cubic centimeter. Find the mass of a bar of gold that measure 6 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm. Solution: The given information is Density = 20 gm/cubic cm Volume = 6 x 4 x2 = 48 cubic cm We know the formula to find the mass that is Mass = Density x volume = 20 x 48 = 960 gm.

Questions and Answers on Latin

Questions and Answers on Latin Everything You Need to Know About the Latin Language ChaptersWhere Does the Latin Alphabet Come From?The Best English-Latin DictionariesHow to Learn Latin DeclensionsWhat Latin Phrases Do We Use in English?Which Modern Languages Have Latin Roots?In 20 years, the number of Latin speakers has halved.Yet this language is useful in many ways: learning Latin languages, understanding our own language, improving spelling, studying ancient history and mythology ...If you do Latin, you may want to find out more about this ancient language:How was the Latin alphabet invented?How to learn this language by heart?Is English grammar influenced by Latin?Which official or non-official languages come from Latin?Don't worry, we'll answer all these questions in this article., available to buy on Amazon and most bookshopsA Copious and Critical English-Latin Dictionary  by William Smith, available on Google BooksNew College Latin-English Dictionary by Traupman, available to buy on AmazonLexicon Totius Latinitatis, a  free online databaseThesaurus Linguae L atinae, available both in print and onlineYou can find other Latin dictionaries but these are the most popular and highly recommended. It is also possible to enrich your Latin vocabulary thanks to various websites which give lists of Latin lexicon:learn101 is available for free online and covers the alphabet, grammar, phrases as well as vocabulary,ilanguages is another free online resources that teaches through flashcards and quizzesLingQ, available online or on your mobile,  gives you  access to tutoring and guidance from Latin speakers around the worldOur recommendation: the Oxford Latin Dictionary is the most  comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of Classical Latin. With more than half a century in the making, the newly published second edition is an essential resource for any serious Latin student. It contains illustrative quotations, revised English translations and expansion on abbreviations to help you learn Latin properly.latinesice or graverini,Studying with a private tutor: if none of this works or you struggle to work independently, get in touch with a private Latin teacher. They will have surefire methods to help you learn!What Latin Phrases Do We Use in English?English is a Germanic language, therefore, the influences of Latin are primarily lexical. A significant amount of our language stems from Latin, some are even borrowed words and phrases. You will probably already have heard a lot of these, but you may not know what they mean. Here's a short list of the most commonly used English words and phrases which stem either directly from Latin or via French or Spanish:But what have we kept from our origins? The Latin quotations are numerous and you necessarily know. But let's talk about these little phrases or abbreviations. We do not always know what they want to say, so here is a short guide to the most used Latin quotations in French:Ad nauseam: To the point of sickness.Bona fide: In good faith.Carpe diem: Seize the day.Conglomerate:  parts put together to form a unit while remaining separate identitiesDebilitate:  weakenDe facto: In fact.Et cetera: And the rest of such things.Facsimile:  exact copyIpso facto: By the fact itself.Insipid:  lacking flavourNaive:  exhibiting lack of experiencePro bono: For the good.Pro forma: As a matter of form.Rigor mortis: The stiffness of death.Ubiquity:  found everywhereVice versa: The position being reversed.Trust us! Knowing a bit of Latin will help you with modern languages, science and law! Source: Visual HuntSome of these phrases will be very useful if you have to write a thesis or dissertation. And it's still fun to know why we use certain Latin phrases and what they mean, right?Check out these famous Latin quotes.Which Modern Languages Have Latin Roots?Today, 430 million speakers speak a Latin language, nearly 8% of the world's population.The languages spoken in Europe are mostly Indo-European languages, ie languages spoken from Europe to India (from Greek to Sanskrit via Fren ch, Spanish, Occitan, Portuguese, etc.).There are a number of   Romance languages especially in Europe where the Roman Empire exerted its influence for centuries, spreading the Roman language at the same time in the Mediterranean basin in particular.The popularisation of Latin gave rise first to the rural Romance language, then gradually to the different languages that we know today. The languages closest to Latin are:Sardinian (spoken in Sardinia): 8% of derivation compared to Latin,Italian: 12%,Spanish 20%,Romanian 23.5%,Occitan 25%,Portuguese 31%,French 44%.There are many similarities between these languages as shown in the table below:LatinItalianSpanishRomanianOccitanPortugueseFrenchClaveChiaveLlaveCheieClauChaveCléNocteNotteNocheNoapteNuèit/nuèchNoiteNuitCantareCantareCantarCîntaCantarCantarChanterCapraCapraCabraCapraCabraCabraChèvreLinguaLinguaLenguaLimbaLengaLinguaLanguePlateaPiazzaPlazapiataPlaçaPraçaPlaceBut these similarities are only valid in writing. Orally, the Latin languages differ greatly from each other, especially French which was also influenced by the Gallo-Romance spoken in northern France.Here are different Latin-speaking groups in terms of their similarities:Ibero-Romance  which encompasses different dialects, among them are Castilian, Andalusian, Portuguese, Galician and Catalan,Occitano-Romance is composed of French but also other patois like the Gascon or the Languedoc,Italian-Romance includes Italian and all its dialects such as Piedmontese, Lombard, Tuscan but also Corsican,Gallo-Romance group includes the languages of oïl and therefore the patois of northern France and Belgium such as Walloon, Picard or Norman,Rhaeto-Romance is composed of Italian Friulian and Swiss Romansh,Eastern Romance languages was developed in the East, specifically in the  Balkans, and includes Daco-Romance, modern-day Romanian, Moldavian as well as dead languages such as Istro-Romanian and Aromanian.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Derivative Trig

Derivative Trig Derivative trig is used in finding derivative of trigonometric functions. The derivative of trig functions can be found by using definition of derivative and by using limit rules. It is a process of finding rate of change of trigonometric function with respect to a variable. Trigonometry is useful in areas such as astronomy, surviving, physics etc. Remember derivatives of basic 6 trigonometric functions. One derivative is shown in example 1. Problem 1: Find the derivative of d (sin x) / dx Solution: Given: d (sin x) / dx. = By the definition of derivative, d f(x) / dx = lim h-0 f(x + h) f(x) / h = d (sin x) / dx = lim h-0 (sin (x+ h) sin x) / h = lim h-0 (sin x cos h + sin h cos x sin x) / h (using trigonometric identity) = lim h-0 (sin x (cos h 1) + sin h cos x) / h = sin x lim h-0 (cos h 1) / h + cos x lim h-0 (sin h) / h (By separating the limits = By applying trigonometric limits we get, d (sin x) / dx = sin x. 0 + cos x. 1 = cos x Problem 2: Find the derivative of d (2sec(x) 5 cot (x))/dx Solution: Given: d (2sec(x) 5 cot(x))/dx = We know the derivative of basic 6 trigonometric functions = So, d sec (x) / dx = sec(x) tan(x) and also d cot(x)/dx = - csc^2(x) = d (2sec(x) 5 cot(x))/dx = 2 sec(x) tan(x) 5(- csc^2(x)) = 2 sec(x) tan(x) + 5 csc^2(x) = Therefore, the derivative of d (2sec(x) 5 cot (x))/dx = 2 sec(x) tan(x) + 5 csc^2(x)

Learn English Food Idioms - Learn English with Harry ??

Learn English Food Idioms - Learn English with Harry ?? Food is one of our favourite  topics and whether you are trying to eat less or wishing we could eat more, it is a constant conversation piece. Today,   you will learn English Food Idioms. Lets start! Share! Help other students to improve English. 1. APPLES AND ORANGES   used when trying to compare two things that are very differentex. He bought a new car, it was a Mercedes. He used to drive a Fiat. It was like comparing apples with oranges. They were two totally different cars.Dont forget to watch my short video lesson What does Apples and Oranges mean English Food Idioms 2. A BANANA SKIN when something is likely to cause you to halt or to slip upex. His business was doing well. However the bank were not prepared to lend any more money. This was the banana skin on which his business would slip.3. TO GO NUTS to get very upset or to go mad  ex. The car driver did not see him parked on the street and crashed into him. He went nuts when he saw all the damage.4. A COUCH POTATO   someone who sits at home all day on the sofa watching TVex. He had not been out with his friends for many months. His wife told him to stop being a couch potato and take her to the restaurant.5. NOT TO PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET   to spread your risksex. David wanted to invest his money in an oil company. His adviser told him to invest in a number of different companies and spread his risk. He told him it was not wise to put all your eggs in one basket.6. AS COOL AS A CUCUMBER  â€" to stay very calm and relaxed, especially when everyone else around you is nervous or stressed ex. He stayed as cool as a cucumber during his driving test and passed it first time. English Food Idioms Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you can do next: 7. TO GO BANANAS  â€" to behave in a silly or crazy way, to get angryex. Mum will go bananas when she sees your school report.8. NOT MY CUP OF TEA if something is your cup of tea, it means you like or enjoy it. We usually use it in a negative sentence.ex. My husband loves cricket, but its not my cup of tea.9. PIECE OF CAKE something is very easy to doex. My English test was a piece of cake.10. TO PAY PEANUTS to pay very little moneyex. I recently left my job because Ive been paid peanuts for ages.11. TO BRING HOME THE BACONA very common and popular food in many countries especially in the UK and Ireland.  In Ireland for many years bacon and cabbage was the traditional meal for many families. The person who brings home the bacon is usually the main earner in the family or bread winner.  So now when we refer to this idiom it means that we are referring to the key person in the family he/she who earns the most and pays the bills.ex. The father in the family retired and his son took o ver the business. He made all the decision as he brought home the bacon.12. THAT’S HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLESCookies  (biscuits)  are very tasty but usually very delicate and can break easily and leave crumbs everywhere. Thats how the cookie crumbles  means  that it is  just the way things happen and you can do nothing about it.ex. Deirdre had been thinking for a long time to change her car. The garage had advertised a really special deal if you changed the car before the end of the month. She went in to the garage on the 2nd of February and was told she was too late. She was really disappointed. But thats the way the cookie crumbles. You are too late!!

Three Ways to Worry Less for a Higher GRE Score

Three Ways to Worry Less for a Higher GRE Score GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog There are two games you must win if you want to score well on the GRE. The first is what I call the “outer” game. It consists of the how-to’s for getting right answers â€" the x’s and o’s, if you will â€" including math concepts, vocabulary, formulas, strategic elimination strategies, time management, and other such tangible applications. The outer game is where GRE students spend most of their time, and it’s what our online GRE prep courses do such a great job of teaching. However, equally important to your success on test day is your ability to conquer the “inner game” of the GRE. This is what takes place between your ears â€" your anxiety, your nerves, your overall worry. If you’re not able to tame those emotions both during your preparation in the weeks leading up to your exam and on exam day itself, then it may not matter how much you’ve prepared for the outer game because you’ll have a hard time staying calm and thinking clearly to transfer that knowledge into right answers. Students often overlook this crucial component of their GRE preparation, to their detriment. I don’t want that to be your story. Worrying about the GRE: Will it help? There’s a great movie that came out a few years ago starring Tom Hanks called “Bridge of Spies.” The character played by Hanks is a lawyer recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in the American courts. As the plot heats up, there are numerous times when the spy’s life is in jeopardy. Yet, the spy always appears to have a calm, even-keeled demeanor. Confused by this, Hanks asks him: “Aren’t you worried?” Each time the spy responds: “Would it help?” I love that! The retort has stuck with me because it’s so true. No matter what’s happening to us in life or how high the stakes appear to be, the act of worrying itself doesn’t really help at all, does it? In fact, it’s often counter-productive. Worrying raises our blood pressure and stresses our health. It keeps us from thinking clearly. It bogs us down and often keeps us from taking the action that actually could help the situation. And when it comes to the GRE, worrying is the surest way to lose the inner game we’ve been talking about. But the good news is, you can bring your test anxiety under control with a few proven mindset shifts. Here are three ways to worry less about the GRE for a higher score on test day. #1: Prepare well, and then trust your preparation. The Greek poet Archilochus famously said: We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. How true that is. When it comes to the GRE, preparation (or training, to use Archilochus’s word) and worry have an inverse relationship. The less prepared you feel, the more worried you are about how you’re going to do. Conversely, the better prepared you are, the less anxiety you feel. The graph looks something like this: The performance of elite athletes illustrates this perfectly. I used to assume that star athletes felt incredibly nervous in the biggest moments. When Michael Jordan was standing at the foul line trying to sink a shot to win the big game, wasn’t he a nervous wreck? Heck, my heart rate went up just watching him â€" and I was sitting comfortably on my own couch! But no. It turns out that the best athletes actually feel calm in those moments because they default to their training. Michael Jordan shot tens of thousands of foul shots in practice, so he could literally make one with his eyes closed (which he famously did in a real game once). At the most important times, professional athletes are confident knowing that they’ve prepared well, and they can trust that preparation to carry them through. So for you on the GRE, put in the work. Prepare to the best of your ability (perhaps by taking our comprehensive online GRE prep course). And then once you’re done, trust that preparation. You’re ready for whatever the GRE can throw at you, so there’s no reason to worry! #2: Take the focus off yourself. Worry is a self-focused emotion. I’m so stressed out about the GRE. What if I get a bad score? My future depends on how well I do on the GRE. What if I run out of time? I’ve never been good at math. I…. Me…. etc. That’s an unhealthy mindset to have when preparing for the GRE. Not only unhealthy, but unhelpful. So take the focus off yourself. Instead, think about how doing well on the GRE can benefit others. In “Learn the Secret Ingredient for Dominating the GRE” I talk about the importance of connecting with your “Why” for wanting to go to grad school in the first place. Perhaps it’s to provide a better life for your kids. Maybe it’s to make a positive impact in the lives of others through social work. Or perhaps you want to become a nurse to help others live healthier lives. Whatever it is, there’s almost always a larger purpose that graduate school can help you achieve. Focus on that, and it will take a lot of the pressure off because now it’s no longer about you. #3: Adopt a healthier “big-picture” perspective. We tend to worry the most when we blow things out of proportion. One of the best ways to worry less about the GRE â€" and really, anything in life â€" is to remember where it fits into the bigger picture. Neil Armstrong, the first human to walk on the moon, said this about looking back at Earth from space: “It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.” Ultimately our time here on Earth is short, and life will go on tomorrow whether you do well on the GRE or not. The sun will still rise. You’ll still have food to eat and air to breathe. And frankly, that’s more than a lot of people in the world can say. Having lived in Madagascar, one of the poorest countries in the world, I saw first-hand what it was like when most people don’t even finish primary school, let alone high school or college. So what a privilege it is for you to even be thinking about going to graduate school! Doing so puts you in the top percentage of people worldwide in terms of education and career prospects. It’s important for you to do well on the GRE, I get it. You should do well. But don’t blow the GRE out of proportion. Once you realize that the worst-case scenario of a sub-par GRE score may not ruin your life as much as you think it will, the worry starts to go away. And that’s a much more positive place to operate from. Summary Consider the following two GRE candidates. Candidate A walks into the testing center fearful and dreading the experience. She’s worried that she’ll see questions she doesn’t know and won’t get the score she needs to get into her target graduate program. Conversely, Candidate B wakes up the morning of her test full of energy. This is the day she’s been working toward. It’s time to put her preparation to the test, and she’s confident that she’s ready. No matter how it turns out, she know she’s done everything she can to put herself in the best position for success. It’s game day. Bring it on! Which candidate do you think is more likely to perform to the best of her ability? My money is on Candidate B. Even if the two candidates studied the exact same amount, Candidate B’s mindset is much better, and that makes a huge difference. I want you to be like Candidate B. I want you to walk into the GRE testing center from a place of confidence rather than from a place of fear or worry. I want you to be positive and optimistic as you’re preparing for the GRE, and clear-headed and self-assured when you sit down to take the real thing. To do that, move beyond worry by taking to heart the three tips presented here. About the Author Brett Ethridge is the founder of Dominate Test Prep, creator of the industry’s most effective online prep courses for the GRE and GMAT. He’s an avid tennis player, a huge Duke basketball fan, and is passionate about empowering students to dominate their standardized test and get into the graduate school of their choice.

4 Things Every High School Freshman Should Do Now

4 Things Every High School Freshman Should Do Now Fullerton Tutoring Tips: 4 things every high school freshman should do now High School freshmen have survived the first half of the school year and are enjoying a couple of weeks off during winter break. Hopefully, they have settled into the responsibilities that being a high school student require and are getting used to the new workload in each class. Each student will have an individual experience and their adjustment period will vary depending on their circumstances but, there are some things every high school freshman can do now to ensure success through the end of the school year its not too early to sign up for your Spring Semester Fullerton tutoring. 1. Stay organized Its essential for freshmen to stay organized throughout the entire academic year. During winter break this means going through old notes and archiving assignments that are no longer important and saving important study tools like flashcards or test and quiz grades that they can use to study for midterms and finals drink spring semester. Students should also clean and organize their study space both at home and at school and should focus on making sure their digital study environment does not have any unnecessary distraction or clutter. 2. Take a look at final grades Its also important for newer high school students to take a look at all the grades they got on their final exams. They should determine which concepts or topics they need to work harder on and which ones they already know. Students who are having trouble with this step should consult their classroom teacher or a one-on-one tutor to help them go through old assignments. Final grades are an excellent indication of how a student has been doing over the entire semester and can give students great insight into what they need to focus on once they start back to school in January (READ: Irvine Tutoring Tips: Improve your Study Skills This Winter). 3. Make a game plan for spring semester Freshman should also make a detailed game plan to help them be successful throughout the spring semester. Students will need to take a look at what worked, and perhaps more importantly what didnt, during fall term to figure out what changes they need to make next semester. How efficient were the student’s study habits? How long did it take to finish the average homework assignment? Were test and quiz grades consistent? These are just a few of the questions students should ask themselves to improve grades next term. 4. Remember to take breaks With all of this studying, its also important for students to remember to take a break now and then. The first year of high-school requires a lot of responsibility and hard work, but students also deserve to have some time with friends, have some downtime so their brain can relax, and enjoy an overall work-life balance. Students who take adequate brakes are more likely to study efficiently, maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the love of learning throughout their entire high school career. How students feel about school now can effect how theyll feel about applying to college and determine how motivated they’ll be once they get into AP classes and test prep in upcoming years. Improve your grades in the winter and spring semesters with the help of private Fullerton tutoring. Call us today to book your Fullerton tutor. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.