Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Things Every High School Freshman Should Do Now

4 Things Every High School Freshman Should Do Now Fullerton Tutoring Tips: 4 things every high school freshman should do now High School freshmen have survived the first half of the school year and are enjoying a couple of weeks off during winter break. Hopefully, they have settled into the responsibilities that being a high school student require and are getting used to the new workload in each class. Each student will have an individual experience and their adjustment period will vary depending on their circumstances but, there are some things every high school freshman can do now to ensure success through the end of the school year its not too early to sign up for your Spring Semester Fullerton tutoring. 1. Stay organized Its essential for freshmen to stay organized throughout the entire academic year. During winter break this means going through old notes and archiving assignments that are no longer important and saving important study tools like flashcards or test and quiz grades that they can use to study for midterms and finals drink spring semester. Students should also clean and organize their study space both at home and at school and should focus on making sure their digital study environment does not have any unnecessary distraction or clutter. 2. Take a look at final grades Its also important for newer high school students to take a look at all the grades they got on their final exams. They should determine which concepts or topics they need to work harder on and which ones they already know. Students who are having trouble with this step should consult their classroom teacher or a one-on-one tutor to help them go through old assignments. Final grades are an excellent indication of how a student has been doing over the entire semester and can give students great insight into what they need to focus on once they start back to school in January (READ: Irvine Tutoring Tips: Improve your Study Skills This Winter). 3. Make a game plan for spring semester Freshman should also make a detailed game plan to help them be successful throughout the spring semester. Students will need to take a look at what worked, and perhaps more importantly what didnt, during fall term to figure out what changes they need to make next semester. How efficient were the student’s study habits? How long did it take to finish the average homework assignment? Were test and quiz grades consistent? These are just a few of the questions students should ask themselves to improve grades next term. 4. Remember to take breaks With all of this studying, its also important for students to remember to take a break now and then. The first year of high-school requires a lot of responsibility and hard work, but students also deserve to have some time with friends, have some downtime so their brain can relax, and enjoy an overall work-life balance. Students who take adequate brakes are more likely to study efficiently, maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the love of learning throughout their entire high school career. How students feel about school now can effect how theyll feel about applying to college and determine how motivated they’ll be once they get into AP classes and test prep in upcoming years. Improve your grades in the winter and spring semesters with the help of private Fullerton tutoring. Call us today to book your Fullerton tutor. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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